Friday, March 16, 2012


When it comes to sexual abuse, t's easy to think "Well, there's really nothing I can do". If you don't have children or grandchildren, you can still help by putting pressure on schools. You can call and find out what there policies are when it comes to reporting child sexual abuse.

They might either tell you, "I'm not sure", or "We report it to our supervisor" (principal, coach, manager, whatever). Those are not acceptable answers. Every employee and teacher in a school should have a clear idea how to take action.

So call and call until they put training and an acceptable policy in writing for employees. Sexual abuse is so pervasive it's must be dealt with. It's always been known pedophiles would try to volunteer or get jobs wherever they can have access to children.

Part of the problem is pedophiles are experts at appearing to be "Mr. Nice Guy", the one least expected. So there's always a feeling of "He wouldn't do something like that because he's an excellent teacher and he just LOVES!!! children". Oh yeah, he does LOVE children. The problem is HIS definition of loving children is totally different from your definition.

So if you have to bug school administrators and school boards to take action, DO IT! You could be saving a child from a horror that will haunt them for the rest of their lives, or even saving them from death.

U of A Adopts Policy For Reporting Child Abuse
The University of Arkansas has created a two-step policy for reporting suspected child abuse on the university's Fayetteville campus.

The policy announced Wednesday calls for a university employee who suspects child abuse, neglect or other maltreatment to first call the state's Child Abuse Hotline - then to notify campus police.

Click here for rest of the article

UALR Ramps Up Training for Staff on Reporting Child Sex Abuse

Since Jerry Sandusky and Penn State hit the headlines, a spotlight's been thrown on university policies to protect kids who come under colleges' care.

"Oh certainly, I mean we were all shocked and saddened by the incidents that happened at Penn State," Hampton said. "It causes all of us to take a step back and look at what we've currently got in place to protect children on our campus."

Questions of training and staff awareness about reporting mandates here in Arkansas have stolen the show, leading to evaluations of what practices are in place right now.

"What are we doing? What can we do? What should we be doing? Have we done all that we can?" Hampton listed the questions UALR has been asking its staff. "And we have found that we need to heighten awareness among our university staffs so they know who to report to and how to report."

The University of Arkansas' Fayetteville campus is the first to put more stringent policies on paper, expanding reporting child abuse to all university employees and volunteers. But UALR is taking the cue by ramping up training for those working in the wings.

Click here for full article

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Stranger danger is another thing parents must teach their children to handle. You can't just tell a child not to get in a car with someone they don't know, because chances are, they won't be invited into the vehicle. They'll be grabbed and quickly shoved into it.

The most recent survey numbers of kidnapping, that I could find, was done in 2002. According to the report, done by the U.S. Justice Department, revealed of the roughly 261,000 children who are abducted every year, the majority (203,900) are taken by a family member, and just 90 to 115 are victims of "stereotypical kidnappings".

A stereotypical kidnapping, according to the survey is committed by a stranger or slight acquaintance. The child is kept overnight, transported at 50 miles, held for ransom, abducted with the intention of keeping the child permanently, or killed.

So that's only about 115 children a year. Really cuts down on the chances your child will be a victim, right? WRONG!

That figure doesn't even count the 58,000 abductions known as "nonfamily abduction", because to many law enforcement agencies this doesn't qualify as abductions because the act of detaining the child is incidental to the primary crime, usually sexual abuse. Many of these are committed by people we should be able to trust with our children, scout leaders, teachers, pastors, youth ministers, even police officers.

That certainly ups the chances of your child being abused and what you teach your child about strangers is important.

Again, you MUST role play with your child so they'll know exactly what to do if the unthinkable happens. Make sure they know if the man tries to make them cooperate by telling them he'll hurt their mommy or sister or whoever, that he's a liar so don't believe it for a minute.

If they're on a bicycle when it happens, forget the bicycle. Throw it on the ground, start running and screaming. If it involves a puppy, NEVER help anyone find their puppy even if he looks nice. If approached by a man like this, run away as fast as they can towards other people. There's safety if they can find a group of people, even if they don't know them.

If someone manages to grab them, teach them how to fight, kick, scratch, bite and it's important they keep screaming as loud and long as they can. Teach them to throw their body back and forth while kicking and screwing Impress them it's important they try to stay out of that vehicle. Teach them to poke out eyes, hit his nose in an upward motion as hard as they can with the heel of their hand. Bite the nose like you want to bite it off. Dropping to the ground and kicking the front of someone's knee as hard as they can with both feet.

If there's anyone around, they must start fighting and screaming "HELP! HE'S NOT MY DAD!"

Is there a chance your child will over react sometime? Sure. Better the child over react at some point than NOT ACT and end up raped and dead.

And i know we've spent time teaching our lovely little children that it's not nice to bite. Now's the time to teach them there is one time it's acceptable to bite. Again, if they get in this situation, tell them to bite anything that gets close to their mouth.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


You only have to watch the news to figure out the number of children being molested, raped, tortured and killed is on the rise. It's almost like the kids are running around with a target taped to their backs.

So whose responsibility is it to protect children? It's YOUR responsibility…and mine. It is NOT the responsibility of police or judges or doctors. They are called in AFTER the damage has been done. The only defense a child has is you and me.

Research will tell you, depending on who you believe, that 70 to 90 percent of children are molested by someone they know. It could be a father, step-father, grandfather, older child, teacher, uncle, or a trusted long-time family friend. I happen to believe it's closer to 70 percent, but the numbers don't mean much because it only takes one molester to rape or kill a child.

Profile of a molester: He's been married or is married, has children of his own, works, dresses nicely, is a good family man, and is religious. He's educated, at least a high school education, and probably some college. He may be an executive, or own his own business. He's considered reliable. He is our husbands, our fathers, our next door neighbor, our child's teacher, coach, or even our pediatrician. He may be a foster parent or have adopted children.

If and when HE is arrested, his wife knows he's been falsely accused. His friends say "Not John. I've known him for years, even went to school with him. He would never do that." His pastor says, "He's in church every time the doors open. He volunteers. I went to visit him in jail and we prayed together. He wouldn't do something like that." People might even say "He wouldn't do that, he loves kids."

Then John confesses and other victims come forward. When John goes to court, he comes prepared with letters from respected people willing to recommend the judge go easy on him because he's a good family man, a hard worker, religious and is sorry for what's happened. They might even say he didn't know what he was doing because he's an alcoholic but he's now in a treatment program and it won't happen again.

The judge gives poor old John 7 years instead of 20, suspends 6 of them, and orders him into therapy. He has to register as a sex offender and must be actively monitored for those 6 years. He's not to be around children, except his own of course. Yep. That'll fix things. He's back around his victim, he does his year in jail, and then he's turned loose on society again. His sexual preference for children will not change. HE will not change…oh wait….yes he will. He'll learn to be more careful and not leave a witness the next time.

Let me clear something up. Alcoholics are NOT child molesters. Some molesters are alcoholics but they're molesters whether they're drinking or not.

So what do we tell our kids? One of the best defenses against a child being a victim, is to role play with them. You're not going to scare them, You're going to enable them. Forewarned is forearmed. You can't just tell them what to do, because they will forget if it happens and they get scared. ROLE PLAY WITH THEM. You play the molester and teach them what to do. There's truth in the old saying, "The best defense is an offense."

If the molester is whispering, have them scream "HELP ME" at the top of their lungs. If he tells them to shut up or he'll hurt them, have them keep screaming. If it happens  with nobody else around, make sure they know it's safe to tell someone they trust IMMEDIATELY. Make sure they know he might even threaten to hurt mommy if they ever tell but he's a liar. They must tell anyway because NOBODY, even someone in the family or a good friend, has a right to touch their chest, buttocks, or private parts.

If they can get to ANY part of his body with their teeth, a nose, an arm….or…(cough, cough)…. any other part that might get close to their mouth….have them bite like a bulldog. Not a little bite but a clamp down until it bleeds bite.

Then have them run. If they see a telephone, dial 9-1-1 and if the molester is coming, just lay the phone down off of the hook and keep screaming "HELP ME".

DO NOT LET YOUR CHILD BECOME A VICTIM. AND IF YOU SUSPECT SOMEONE ELSE'S CHILD IS BEING OR HAS BEEN MOLESTED OR ABUSED. CALL AND REPORT IT! You may be the only person standing between a child and their molester. It would be better to be wrong than to be right and do nothing.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Everyone understands that moms love to put photos of their children on their social media pages.  Moms are proud of their kids and want to show them off. That's natural.

What's not natural is  those children's pictures become just like a catalogue for pedophiles. They'll pick which ones appeal to them and then figure out a way to go after that child or children.

Children of single mothers are at particular risk. After all, Mom is single and probably bored. She's looking for male company. Someone nice, polite, fun. Someone who likes kids.

Even better if HE offers to help by picking the child up after school or offers to take the child to ballgames.

Mom knows the kids need a male influence in their lives. And she's looking for someone who fits the description of the perfect male role model.

And here he comes. Mr. Perfect. He asks her to go out with him. He shares with her. Believe me, he's left a lot of things out. She shares with him and feels it's only fair to tell him about her kids. She's excited that he isn't shocked and in fact, tells her he loves kids. He's very excited because she's buying into everything he says.

He's helpful, polite and offers help Mom needs because she's working her butt off trying to support the kids. She's tired. She's bored. He offers to move in so he can help with the children and the bills. She's just been groomed by a pedophile who wants to get to her child.

What she doesn't know is that nice man has been online searching for children in the age range he likes. He's much more computer savvy than the average person. He knows exactly how to search for the right age child within his area. Once he's found them, he can then go through their photos and pick out exactly the one he wants. He has just targeted her child.

And her child is now a sitting duck for a pedophile. He starts grooming the child. He takes him to ballgames or if he prefers girls, he takes her shopping. He buys the child gifts, toys. He plays catch, he skates, he flies kites. He'll do whatever it takes to get that child to accept him as a friend.

He has now groomed the child. Let the molesting begin, slowly at first so he doesn't alarm the child. When it starts to escalate the child becomes afraid to tell. If the child becomes alarmed, he's threatened. He's told if he tells, his attacker will hurt mommy or mommy will go to jail or mommy won't love him anymore. And pedophiles are experts  at making the kid feel guilty because the molester knows how to make it feel good and make the child think it's his own fault.

So how does a parent keep this from happening? GET THE PICTURES OF YOUR KIDS OFF OF YOUR FACE BOOK AND MY SPACE PAGE!

And if you're a single mom, you're not obligated to tell anyone about your kids. If you're just looking for a man to move in with, you're upping the chances of your child being molested. Keep the men you date away from your children. If a man starts getting too friendly and bringing gifts to your kid, ask him not to buy them gifts.

If you become serious about a man in the future, there's plenty of time to let him know about the kids.  STOP JUMPING IN AND OUT OF SITUATIONS THAT COULD PUT YOUR CHILD AT RISK!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Pedophiles will swear they "love" children more than their parents. The recent death of the Powell boys is a good example. Their pedophile father swore with his dying breath how much he "loved" them, even as he killed the little guys.

It's been suggested their death was to prevent them from repeating their claim that "mommy was in the trunk". Is it possible mommy was in the trunk because she either discovered his kiddie porn or she caught him molesting one of the boys. Is it possible their loving pedophile daddy was scared they'd tell he'd been molesting them. No way to prove or disprove my theory now. All victims, witnesses and evidence has now been destroyed unless…..the police confiscated lots of child porn during the raid. If there's any evidence that includes photos of the Powell boys, it would explain why Powell had to destroy the only witnesses. At this point, who knows?

Only once have I heard a news story that Josh Powell's house was raided during the child custody case, and police found child porn. That's why daddy dearest lost custody and why he only had supervised visitation.

That pretty much tells the story of what had happened to these children, as far as I'm concerned. Powell made the statement that he loved his children and he would NEVER hurt them or anyone else. If you missed it the first time it was shown, check it out if they play it again. Look at his eyes…you'll see no emotion. What you'll see is a totally flat, dead look. That man should have never been given any kind of visitation in his own home. Whoever made that decision will never make that mistake again, but it's a little late to save those two little boys. It was a stupid, stupid decision.

Unless you've been involved in the world of busting these perverts, here's something you probably don't know.

If you see someone who's email name ends with "BL" or "GL", that's something the pedophiles do so they can recognize each other, as either a "boy lover" or a "girl lover".

And for goodness sakes, if you even suspect someone is abusing their child, call
the CHILD ABUSE HOTLINE! It would be better to be overly cautious and wrong than to have another child suffer abuse or die.

If you don't know the number, call information and ask for the (your state  child abuse hotline).

Alabama    1-334-242-9500
Arkansas   1-800-482-5964
Missouri     1-800-392-3738
Oklahoma  1-800-522-3511
Tennessee 1-615-742-9192
Texas         1-800-252-5400


Friday, February 3, 2012


A hotel is found to house more than a dozen sexual offenders, deemed to be repeat offenders less than a mile from a facility with disable children. Only 40/29's Jo Ellison brings you why it's allowed to happen.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Mark Berndt, 61, is in jail with bond set at $23 million over 23 felony counts of lewd acts on a child.
Mark Berndt, 61, is in jail with bond set at $23 million over 23 felony counts of lewd acts on a child.

Los Angeles (CNN) -- The teacher accused this week of taking bondage photos of his elementary school students was investigated in 1993, but prosecutors decided not to pursue the case, the Los Angeles District Attorney's office said Thursday.
The nature of the earlier probe of Mark Berndt, a 30-year teaching veteran, was not disclosed, but the decision to drop the case was made by the district attorney on February 23, 1994, the prosecutor said in a written statement.
"After careful evaluation, it was determined that the evidence was insufficient to prove a crime occurred," the statement said. "A prosecutor cannot ethically file criminal charges if the evidence fails to meet the standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt."
Berndt, 61, faces more recent allegations. He sits in jail with his bond set at $23 million over 23 felony counts of lewd acts on a child.
Investigators waited more than a year before arresting Brendt, a teacher at Miramonte Elementary School in south Los Angeles, after finding bondage photos apparently taken in his classroom, but a sheriff's sergeant says, "We always had our eyes on him."
Although the probe began in October 2010, when a drugstore photo processor called police, Berndt was not taken into custody until this week. He was removed from the classroom in January 2011.
At least 23 children in the images have been identified, while another 10 are unidentified, said Los Angeles County Sheriff's Sgt. Dan Scott, who supervised the investigation.
The 400 photographs collected by investigators show children blindfolded, with tape over their mouths, and some with suspected semen-filled spoons at their mouths, Scott said.
Some photos show female students with "what appeared to be a blue plastic spoon, filled with an unknown clear/white liquid substance, up to their mouths as if they were going to ingest the substance," authorities said.
The probe began when a CVS drugstore photo technician in the South Bay area of Los Angeles County told the Redondo Police department about finding disturbing images of blindfolded children in a processing order, Scott said.
Redondo police investigators called the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department on December 2, after determining the photos were taken in Berndt's classroom.



Ottawa (CNN) -- At least 60 people have been charged in connection with one of Canada's largest ever pornography busts, authorities said Thursday.
The arrests came after sweeping raids on alleged child pornography rings throughout Ontario, officials said.
"In all, 60 people have been charged with 213 offenses and we anticipate that there will be several more charged," said Det. Sgt. Frank Goldschmidt of the Ontario Provincial Police.

"Charges included sexual assault, children luring, possession of child pornography, making available child pornography, distribution of child pornography, and accessing child pornography," he added.
At least 22 victims have been identified, authorities said, and the child victims are now in care and are receiving medical and trauma assessments. Police are still trying to identify more victims that may have been abused.


Saturday, January 21, 2012


Pedophilia is at an all time high, not just in the United States but all over the world. Pornography has been proven to be addictive. Just like drugs, it begins to require more and more "exciting" porn to satisfy the addict. This is one reason there has been such a quick spread of child porn.

Law enforcement was unaware of what was going on, pedophiles, world-wide, began to organize on the internet. They could trade photos and videos of children being molested and violently raped, with normal people being none the wiser.

One of their main goals is to convince the public that pedophilia is completely normal, thus they need the child porn to feed their needs so they don't have to molest. WHAT??? Every time a photo or a vid of a child being molested or raped is viewed by these perverts, that child is victimized all over again.

Here's a few things that may shock you:
A misconception is that having been a victim of molestation will make you a pedophile. NOT SO. If that was true, most pedophiles would be women. There are very few women who molest children.

There are over 400,000 registered sex offenders in the United States and an estimated 100,000 are missing. They're supposed to be registered but nobody knows where they are or where they're living.

The most serious and chronic offenders often show signs of antisocial behavior as early as the preschool years. Your typical molester is a male who has already started offending by the time he's 15. He has other deviant behaviors and already has molested an average of 117 children, most of whom do not report the offense.

The average pedophile molests 260 victims during their lifetime. Over 90% of convicted pedophiles are arrested again for the same offense after their release from prison.

My hat's off to the media who has been showing photos of pedophiles when they're arrested. We need to see who they are. But your children are in danger from the ones you don't see.

It's a shame that it's come to the point where we have to suspect teachers, coaches, Boy Scout leaders, Pastors, Youth leaders and even the nice man next door.

As a private investigator, most of my cases were trying to prove a child, who was too young to testify, had been molested.  You know where I started? Back when they were in high school. I would interview the girls they went to school with. Then I'd find out if their relatives refused to let their own children  be around the suspect. The next thing was to find out how involved they were with pornography and what kinds. If they are a pedophiles, they will usually have at least one other deviant behavior.

When I was on staff with Perverted Justice, catching online pedophiles, we would always be hit with the same questions, in the same order, from the pedophiles. They believed we were anywhere from 10 to 13 years old. We always joked about they just have read the pedophiles handbook. Turned out that wasn't so funny, when we learned from the FBI there really was a Pedophiles Handbook.

People always teach their children about "Stranger Danger", but many of these perverts aren't strangers. They're either relatives or a boyfriend, a coach, a teacher or someone else the child would see as a friend or an authority. Pedophiles will try to get into jobs where they have contact with children of whatever age they prefer.

What I hope to do with this blog is educate  how to teach your children and yourself. You don't have to be a detective to spot something that's not quite right. Listen to your gut feelings.

Be proactive. Keep track of who is on the registered sex offender list in your area and who has disappeared. If you know what they look like, you might be able to spot them and turn them in to police.

Warn your children that if ANYONE touches their genitals, they should tell you immediately. Sometimes a pedophile will test the waters by "accidentally" brushing up against a child's genitals or butt Let your child know they MUST tell you even if it was an accident.  If the nice man next door tries really hard to talk and act like the kids, beware. It could be him saying "See, I'm just like you."

If someone is giving your child gifts or money, stay alert. He could very well be grooming them. If he keeps offering to help you out by keeping them for you, or taking them places, stay alert. He could be grooming YOU so you'll trust him.